claddagh niclochlainn

a loosely structured personal blog

In lieu of an ‘about’ page, and in the spirit of the current, here is what I am currently working on, thinking about, seeking, reading, listening to, writing etc.

This year I am a fellowship candidate at Newspeak House, an ‘independent residential college founded in 2015 to study, nurture and inspire emerging communities of practice across civil society and the public sector in the UK’ and so I expect this will shape much of my thinking and approach over the current year. I’m still narrowing down a problem to work on, and am very open to input and ideas.

In the shorter term though:

Working on: Tech to make worker transitions more effective.

Thinking about: Start up founders, god complexes, and political hubris (sociologically speaking)

Doing: Organising a hackathon - no public details yet, but coming soon.

Seeking: Looking to talk to someone who has thought in depth about the structural vs quick wins policing conundrum, and how to deal with some of the perverse incentives that drive it. (more here re county lines gangs; see also: Londons phone theft problems treatment as a petty crime issue, despite the organised crime that drives it [and particularly re the latter: why are the data gaps so large?]). More concretely, anyone interested in structuring a proposal for a new approach to fund and resource allocation for this problem as a pilot through the GLA/Metropolitan Police, using data gathered from 1500+ victims of these crimes in past months.

Reading: The Price of My Soul by Bernadette Devlin

Listening to: An English Gentleman, by Tortoise media.

Writing: A long-form piece on long term illness and Britain’s productivity puzzle (prompted, in part, by a recent rereading of this Guardian piece from earlier this year)

Watching: On repeat; videos of Gerry Hutch sprinting out of the election count centre following his defeat last week. Slán a chara!

Last updated: Monday 2nd December